feeton coaching academy

Get the most out of your training.

The feeton coaching academy is specially designed for trainers who are already using feeton and want to get more out of it. Our programs help you unlock the full potential of the platform so that you, as a trainer, can step onto the field with even more confidence and knowledge.


feeton coaching academy

Get the most out of your training.


The feeton coaching academy is specially designed for trainers who are already using feeton and want to get more out of it. Our programs help you unlock the full potential of the platform so that you, as a trainer, can step onto the field with even more confidence and knowledge.

Schedule an appointment.

feeton coaching academy

Get the most out of your training.

The feeton coaching academy is specially designed for trainers who are already using feeton and want to get more out of it. Our programs help you unlock the full potential of the platform so that you, as a trainer, can step onto the field with even more confidence and knowledge.

Why participate in the feeton coaching academy?

We understand that as a coach, you need extra support to make the most of all the features. That's why we support you in your growth as a coach and in developing the football players optimally with everything that feeton has to offer.

Maximum utilization of feeton

Deep dive into all features of the platform and learn how to make the most out of them for your training sessions.

Practical, hands-on guidance

Follow live trainings at your own club with direct application on the field, tailored to your needs.

Knowledge exchange and networking

Work together with other trainers and share experiences during regional theme meetings.

Guidance by experts

Get inspired by guest speakers from professional soccer who share their insights and tips with you and your club.

The benefits

Get the most out of your training with the feeton coaching academy.

Implementing feeton already offers many benefits for coaches and sports clubs. However, we understand that as a coach, you may need extra guidance to make the most of all the features. The feeton coaching academy offers exactly that deepening, with live, practical training sessions at your own club.

The benefits

Get the most out of your training with the feeton coaching academy.

Implementing feeton already offers many benefits for coaches and sports clubs. However, we understand that as a coach, you may need extra guidance to make the most of all the features. The feeton coaching academy offers exactly that deepening, with live, practical training sessions at your own club.

The benefits

Get the most out of your training with the feeton coaching academy.

Implementing feeton already offers many benefits for coaches and sports clubs. However, we understand that as a coach, you may need extra guidance to make the most of all the features. The feeton coaching academy offers exactly that deepening, with live, practical training sessions at your own club.


What does the feeton coaching academy offer?

Specialized courses and sessions to help you grow as a trainer and fully leverage feeton to elevate training to a higher level.


Theory and practical lessons

In this course, we will guide you step by step through the entire feeton method. In addition to a deeper exploration of the platform and the practice material, we also work personally with you on your development as a trainer.


3 sessions


Your own club or regional


In-depth theory, practical exercises, and personal guidance

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Regional theme meetings

Our theme meetings provide the perfect opportunity to work on specific parts of your training. With current themes from youth football combined with the knowledge of professionals within our various feeton academy partners.


Half day


Regional, at the location of one of our academy partners


Current themes from youth football focused on coaches and staff from the club

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feeton inspires

Give your youth department a boost with new energy and ideas by participating in various workshops, networking, and staying informed about all developments within youth football. This day is suitable for coaches, board members, coordinators, and other specialists.




Central in the Netherlands at one of our professional football club partners


Inspirational speakers and ambassadors from professional football and an exclusive look behind the scenes of a professional football organization

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What does the feeton coaching academy offer?

Specialized courses and sessions to help you grow as a trainer and fully leverage feeton to elevate training to a higher level.

What does the feeton coaching academy offer?

What does the feeton coaching academy offer?

Specialized courses and sessions to help you grow as a trainer and fully leverage feeton to elevate training to a higher level.

What does the feeton coaching academy offer?

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The coaching academy helps trainers to optimize feeton, so that the quality of the training increases and players learn to play soccer better with more enjoyment.

Siemen Lindeboom, trainer coaching academy

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What does participation offer you?

feeton delivers an important contribution to the joy of soccer and development of young players in the Netherlands.

more knowledge

Get to know all the possibilities of feeton, from planning training sessions to monitoring player development. With this knowledge, you can fully customize the platform to your liking and better meet the needs of your team.

Improved skills

The live courses offer practical sessions at your own club, where you can practice directly with the feeton methodology. You will receive concrete tips and tools that you can immediately apply in your training, resulting in better outcomes and more self-confidence.

More structure and overview

With feeton, you not only get a better grasp of your practice material, but also of your team's long-term planning. Thanks to the feeton academy, you will learn how to structure and adjust your training sessions based on your players' progress.

Inspiring insights

Get new ideas and inspiration from experts in professional football, who share their experiences and best practices with you. These insights will help enrich your own vision and make your training sessions even more engaging and effective.

What does participation offer you?

feeton delivers an important contribution to the joy of soccer and development of young players in the Netherlands.

more knowledge

Get to know all the possibilities of feeton, from planning training sessions to monitoring player development. With this knowledge, you can fully customize the platform to your liking and better meet the needs of your team.

Improved skills

The live courses offer practical sessions at your own club, where you can practice directly with the feeton methodology. You will receive concrete tips and tools that you can immediately apply in your training, resulting in better outcomes and more self-confidence.

More structure and overview

With feeton, you not only get a better grasp of your practice material, but also of your team's long-term planning. Thanks to the feeton academy, you will learn how to structure and adjust your training sessions based on your players' progress.

Inspiring insights

Get new ideas and inspiration from experts in professional football, who share their experiences and best practices with you. These insights will help enrich your own vision and make your training sessions even more engaging and effective.

What does participation offer you?

feeton delivers an important contribution to the joy of soccer and development of young players in the Netherlands.

more knowledge

Get to know all the possibilities of feeton, from planning training sessions to monitoring player development. With this knowledge, you can fully customize the platform to your liking and better meet the needs of your team.

Improved skills

The live courses offer practical sessions at your own club, where you can practice directly with the feeton methodology. You will receive concrete tips and tools that you can immediately apply in your training, resulting in better outcomes and more self-confidence.

More structure and overview

With feeton, you not only get a better grasp of your practice material, but also of your team's long-term planning. Thanks to the feeton academy, you will learn how to structure and adjust your training sessions based on your players' progress.

Inspiring insights

Get new ideas and inspiration from experts in professional football, who share their experiences and best practices with you. These insights will help enrich your own vision and make your training sessions even more engaging and effective.

feeton coaching academy

Develop from youth department to youth academy.

With the feeton coaching academy, you will receive qualities and tools to evolve from a youth department to a youth training program. Coaches confidently stand on the field with knowledge about the training material and tools to convey it to the players. This increases the quality of the training sessions and allows players to develop to their fullest potential. The result? Higher quality, more ease, happy children, motivated coaches, and a club that thrives and prospers.

The result?

Higher quality, more ease, happy children, motivated coaches, and a club that thrives and prospers.

feeton coaching academy

Develop from youth department to youth academy.

With the feeton coaching academy, you will receive qualities and tools to evolve from a youth department to a youth training program. Coaches confidently stand on the field with knowledge about the training material and tools to convey it to the players. This increases the quality of the training sessions and allows players to develop to their fullest potential. The result? Higher quality, more ease, happy children, motivated coaches, and a club that thrives and prospers.

The result?

Higher quality, more ease, happy children, motivated coaches, and a club that thrives and prospers.

feeton coaching academy

Develop from youth department to youth academy.

With the feeton coaching academy, you will receive qualities and tools to evolve from a youth department to a youth training program. Coaches confidently stand on the field with knowledge about the training material and tools to convey it to the players. This increases the quality of the training sessions and allows players to develop to their fullest potential. The result? Higher quality, more ease, happy children, motivated coaches, and a club that thrives and prospers.

The result?

Higher quality, more ease, happy children, motivated coaches, and a club that thrives and prospers.


The coaching academy helps trainers to optimize feeton, so that the quality of the training sessions improves and players can learn to play football better with more enjoyment.

Siemen Lindeboom, trainer coaching academy

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The coaching academy helps trainers to optimize feeton, so that the quality of the training sessions improves and players can learn to play football better with more enjoyment.

Siemen Lindeboom, trainer coaching academy

schedule an appointment

The coaching academy helps trainers to optimize feeton, so that the quality of the training sessions improves and players can learn to play football better with more enjoyment.

Siemen Lindeboom, trainer coaching academy

Frequently Asked Questions

feeton provides an important contribution to the enjoyment and development of young players in soccer in the Netherlands.

Yes, the academy is aimed at trainers who already work with feeton and want to get more out of the platform.

The 3-day courses are given live at your own club, so that you can learn and apply in your familiar environment.

We work with groups of 10 - 16 trainers, so that there is personal attention and you can benefit optimally from the guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

feeton provides an important contribution to the enjoyment and development of young players in soccer in the Netherlands.

Yes, the academy is aimed at trainers who already work with feeton and want to get more out of the platform.

The 3-day courses are given live at your own club, so that you can learn and apply in your familiar environment.

We work with groups of 10 - 16 trainers, so that there is personal attention and you can benefit optimally from the guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

feeton provides an important contribution to the enjoyment and development of young players in soccer in the Netherlands.

Yes, the academy is aimed at trainers who already work with feeton and want to get more out of the platform.

The 3-day courses are given live at your own club, so that you can learn and apply in your familiar environment.

We work with groups of 10 - 16 trainers, so that there is personal attention and you can benefit optimally from the guidance.